Remote work careers are quickly becoming a big chunk of the workforce. And, while when you think of work-from-home options, careers in medicine may not immediately pop into your mind, there are opportunities available. With the world being more connected than ever, and the increasing use of medical modalities like telehealth and telemedicine, an online medical career is no longer an oxymoron.
1. Patient Care Advocate A patient care advocate is a term commonly used for phone customer service representatives for insurance companies. Many insurance companies hire a wide range of specialists, ranging from people that have basic customer service skills, or nurses and healthcare providers that can help advise on cases and speak with patients.
2. MTM Pharmacists MTM stands for Medication Therapy Management and can be a great tool to help patients better understand their treatments while helping to avoid overlapping or inappropriate medication usage. Most pharmacists work on-site at pharmacies, but many MTM jobs are able to be performed from home while connecting with patients via phone or videoconference.